Genesee Community College's First Ever Dandy Day was a huge success,
thank you to all whom participated, attended or helped with the event. Hats off and a very special thanks, of course, to Rose Callahan, for making this spectacular event possible!
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" Nick Wooster, NYC, April 2012
The only title I can think of when I see this photo is "Able to Leap Small Buildings" :) Nick Wooster projects the image of badass quite naturally, but he is from my experience very thoughtful and kind. This was the second time I have photographed Mr. Wooster for Park and Bond, and this time I distinctly saw what a superhero character he is. He walks down the street with purpose and intensity, like he has a invisible cape on.
Good guy, a true original. "
- Rose Callahan, photographer & author; the amazing photo above is one of my favorites, I have always loved his style & it was awesome to hear from her directly and now read from the excellent collection she has compiled of Dandy Style, or the certain je ne sais quoi about each style subject. Just like all of her work, hearing from her during the presentation, as well as over lunch (with my professors and campus administrators) was both inspiring and informative.
Quote from the gentleman as seen on his website, (link @ his name above) a good depiction of who he is, his style and his mission. "Welcome to my stream of consciousness.
I've created a visual snapshot of the things that inspire me. Probably the singlemost question I get is "where did you get that?" Hopefully I've taken some of the guesswork out. Think of this as a virtual closet. At least, the closet I would love to own."
About This Book, in above photo with Author, Rose Callahan:
I am Dandy
The Return of the Elegant Gentleman
The dandy is back! Today, a variety of men are discovering contemporary dandyism and giving it their own signature look.
"In a world of uniformity and globalized styles, only some cultivated gentlemen retain their independence over the way they dress and live.
In this book, photographer Rose Callahan and writer Nathaniel “Natty” Adams document the well-kept lives of 57 protagonists of contemporary dandyism with a keen, yet empathic eye. Their carefully composed portraits not only depict the clothes, accessories, and homes of their subjects, but also capture the essence of their lifestyles in thoroughly entertaining and deeply insightful texts.
The diversity of the men portrayed in I am Dandy is striking. They come from a variety of different countries, cultures, and social circles and make their livings in a range of occupations. By showcasing their styles, attitudes, and philosophies in all of their nuances, the book reveals that dandyism today is an attitude and calling that can be cultivated on any budget."

Hamish Bowles was also featured in the book…read more about the man who was 'born dandy'… here
Guests were able to attend the meet & greet after the event, picture on the right: Fashion Business Students, myself and Jordan Reese And Jessica O'Brien
The event doubled as an opportunity to show off your dandy style, as it might not be what the majority of us wear on a day-to-day basis. The four winners were sent home with their very own copy of the book! Though I was not expecting it at all, I received a book and I couldn't have been more thrilled! There were so many other best-dressed people in my opinion & it was so nice to see those outside of the fashion program so actively participating! Sometimes I feel it's simply due to the fact that we're a little more accustomed to risks in regards to garments, but we do understand that it's not to everyones interest or liking! Rose was so gracious to answer so many questions and really spend time listening to what guests were inspired by in choosing their outfits or even when chatting while she signed a keepsake for them. I am so happy she was able to sign my copy of the book as it has already made a forever home on my coffee table.
Details & Inspiration for My Look:
- Ashley Owens Inspired
- Vintage Christian Dior Jacket & Tie (Jacket from one
of my favorite Boutiques, the tie is thanks to my fashionable
parents, tie purchased in the 80s/90s for my dad by my mother xo)
- Felt hat, (cannot see in these pictures - rose gold chain-like detail on hat),
purchased a few weeks ago at Marshalls
- My striped blouse is also a #fabfound from Marshalls (you may notice it from a CollegeFashionista Style Guru article I did over the summer; check out my page to see how it was translated from the runway to a look with a BCBG trench coat)
- Comfy Cozy Pants from LOFT, these linen trousers are the
ultimate summer to fall transition piece as it's already approaching
November! You can find a similar pair here --> __ ****__
- My personal favorite pair of tuxedo shoes, my off-white pair
is French Connection which I first wore for Pitti Uomo
(ahh it's been too long Florence…)!
I would continue to rant on how much I adore these fashions, my three pages of notes can attest to that, but I'll stop here...
Stay tuned for more fashion, fun & events as the holiday season approaches! xox thanks for checking out my blog, share, comment or tell me what you think!
---> Social Media Links & other Fashion Articles on the side…xo